This registration is to reserve your place on St Dominic Catholic Church's Spring 2025 mission trip to Pamplona, Peru March 14-22nd, 2025.  The total projected cost for this mission trip is $2000 and includes: airfare (from Panama City Florida), lodging, meals in Peru, and the cost of materials for our project serving families that live in the shanty towns in Pamplona.


Your registration on this page ($100) reserves your seat and commits you to (paying or fundraising) the remaining $1900 cost of the trip.  The balance will be due February 15th, 2025. Registered missionaries will be assisted in creating a fundraising webpage where friends, family members, and co-workers can support their mission financially by making donations.   

 The mission team will meet monthly starting in November 2024 to discuss personal fundraising efforts and to prepare spiritually and logistically for the mission.  We ask that you make fundraising and these meeting for formation a priority. 

  • Your registration on this page ($100) reserves your seat and commits you to (paying or fundraising) the remaining $1900. The balance will be due February 15th, 2025.

I certify that I am 18 years old OR that I am a Highschool student and that my parent or legal Guardian is ALSO registering with me. Unfortunately, no unchaperoned youth are permitted on the Spring 2025 Peru Mission Trip.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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